DATE | 2022-09-20T08:37:35+00:00 |
DESCRIPTION | User manual for the idstore server. |
IDENTIFIER | 24c8402e-36b8-4d2b-ab1e-b501050e9611 |
TITLE | Idstore User Manual 2.0.1 |
$ gpg --verify gpg: assuming signed data in '' gpg: Signature made Tue 28 Jun 2022 15:01:56 GMT gpg: using RSA key 3CCE59428B30462D10459909C5607DA146E128B8 gpg: issuer "" gpg: using pgp trust model gpg: Good signature from " (2022 maven-rsa-key) <>" [unknown]
$ unzip $ export IDSTORE_HOME=$(realpath idstore) $ ./idstore/bin/idstore idstore: usage: idstore [command] [arguments ...] ...
$ podman pull $ podman run idstore: usage: idstore [command] [arguments ...] ...
$ curl http://localhost:51000/health OK
$ idstore initial-admin \ --admin-id '92f83bce-3973-4db8-8aaf-d401443a9772' \ --admin-email '' \ --admin-realname 'Someone Else' \ --admin-username 'someone' \ --admin-password 12345678 \ --configuration server.conf
$ idstore server --configuration server.conf info: [localhost/<unresolved>:50000] User API server started info: [localhost/<unresolved>:50001] User view server started info: [localhost/<unresolved>:51000] Admin API server started
$ idstore shell [idstore]# version com.io7m.idstore 0.0.15-SNAPSHOT 20af71248a7784b0e5247eab4b1ebd28de284739
$ podman run \ --name some-postgres \ -e POSTGRES_USER=idstore_install \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \ -d postgres
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <i:Configuration xmlns:i="urn:com.io7m.idstore:configuration:1" xmlns:it="urn:com.io7m.idstore.tls:1"> <i:Branding ProductTitle="idstore"/> <i:Database Name="idstore" Kind="POSTGRESQL" OwnerRoleName="idstore_install" OwnerRolePassword="mydatabasewill" WorkerRolePassword="probablybecompromised" Address="" Port="5432" Create="true" Upgrade="true"/> <i:HTTPServices> <i:HTTPServiceAdminAPI ListenAddress="[::]" ListenPort="51000" ExternalURI="https://[::]:51000/"> <it:TLSEnabled> <it:KeyStore Type="CANONMILL" Provider="CANONMILL" Password="changeit" File="keystore.xml"/> <it:TrustStore Type="CANONMILL" Provider="CANONMILL" Password="changeit" File="truststore.xml"/> </it:TLSEnabled> </i:HTTPServiceAdminAPI> <i:HTTPServiceUserAPI ListenAddress="[::]" ListenPort="50000" ExternalURI="http://[::]:50000/"> <it:TLSDisabled/> </i:HTTPServiceUserAPI> <i:HTTPServiceUserView ListenAddress="[::]" ListenPort="50001" ExternalURI="http://[::]:50001/"> <it:TLSDisabled/> </i:HTTPServiceUserView> </i:HTTPServices> <i:History UserLoginHistoryLimit="10" AdminLoginHistoryLimit="100"/> <i:Mail SenderAddress="" VerificationExpiration="PT24H"> <i:SMTP Host="" Port="25"/> </i:Mail> <i:Maintenance/> <i:RateLimiting EmailVerificationRateLimit="PT10M" PasswordResetRateLimit="PT10M"/> <i:Sessions UserSessionExpiration="PT30M" AdminSessionExpiration="PT30M"/> </i:Configuration>
<Mail SenderAddress="" VerificationExpiration="PT24H"> <SMTP Host="" Port="25"/> </Mail>
<Maintenance TLSReloadInterval="PT30M"/>
<HTTPServices> <HTTPServiceAdminAPI ListenAddress="localhost" ListenPort="51000" ExternalURI="http://localhost:51000/"> <it:TLSEnabled> <it:KeyStore Type="CANONMILL" Provider="CANONMILL" Password="changeit" File="keystore.xml"/> <it:TrustStore Type="CANONMILL" Provider="CANONMILL" Password="changeit" File="truststore.xml"/> </it:TLSEnabled> </HTTPServiceAdminAPI> <HTTPServiceUserAPI ListenAddress="localhost" ListenPort="50000" ExternalURI="http://localhost:50000/"> <it:TLSDisabled/> </HTTPServiceUserAPI> <HTTPServiceUserView ListenAddress="localhost" ListenPort="50001" ExternalURI="http://localhost:50001/"> <it:TLSDisabled/> </HTTPServiceUserView> </HTTPServices>
<Sessions UserSessionExpiration="PT30M" AdminSessionExpiration="PT30M"/>
<History UserLoginHistoryLimit="100" AdminLoginHistoryLimit="10000"/>
<Database Kind="POSTGRESQL" OwnerRoleName="idstore_install" OwnerRolePassword="mydatabasewill" WorkerRolePassword="probablybecompromised" ReaderRolePassword="lookbutdonottouch" Address="localhost" Port="54322" Create="true" Upgrade="true"/>
<RateLimiting EmailVerificationRateLimit="PT10M" PasswordResetRateLimit="PT10M" UserLoginRateLimit="PT5S" UserLoginDelay="PT1S" AdminLoginRateLimit="PT5S" AdminLoginDelay="PT1S" />
<PasswordExpiration UserPasswordValidityDuration="PT720H" AdminPasswordValidityDuration="PT2160H" />
<OpenTelemetry LogicalServiceName="idstore"> <Logs Endpoint="" Protocol="GRPC"/> <Metrics Endpoint="" Protocol="GRPC"/> <Traces Endpoint="" Protocol="GRPC"/> </OpenTelemetry>
<Branding ProductTitle="idstore"> <ColorScheme> <ButtonColors> <Disabled> <BodyColor Red="0.101" Green="0.309" Blue="0.45"/> <BorderColor Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0"/> <EmbossEColor Red="0.175" Green="0.527" Blue="0.765"/> <EmbossNColor Red="0.175" Green="0.527" Blue="0.765"/> <EmbossSColor Red="0.07" Green="0.214" Blue="0.316"/> <EmbossWColor Red="0.07" Green="0.214" Blue="0.316"/> <TextColor Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0"/> </Disabled> <Enabled> <BodyColor Red="0.101" Green="0.309" Blue="0.45"/> <BorderColor Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0"/> <EmbossEColor Red="0.175" Green="0.527" Blue="0.765"/> <EmbossNColor Red="0.175" Green="0.527" Blue="0.765"/> <EmbossSColor Red="0.07" Green="0.214" Blue="0.316"/> <EmbossWColor Red="0.07" Green="0.214" Blue="0.316"/> <TextColor Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0"/> </Enabled> <Hover> <BodyColor Red="0.125" Green="0.371" Blue="0.539"/> <BorderColor Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0"/> <EmbossEColor Red="0.175" Green="0.527" Blue="0.765"/> <EmbossNColor Red="0.175" Green="0.527" Blue="0.765"/> <EmbossSColor Red="0.07" Green="0.214" Blue="0.316"/> <EmbossWColor Red="0.07" Green="0.214" Blue="0.316"/> <TextColor Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0"/> </Hover> <Pressed> <BodyColor Red="0.093" Green="0.277" Blue="0.406"/> <BorderColor Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0"/> <EmbossEColor Red="0.07" Green="0.214" Blue="0.316"/> <EmbossNColor Red="0.07" Green="0.214" Blue="0.316"/> <EmbossSColor Red="0.125" Green="0.371" Blue="0.539"/> <EmbossWColor Red="0.125" Green="0.371" Blue="0.539"/> <TextColor Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0"/> </Pressed> </ButtonColors> <ErrorBorderColor Red="1" Green="0" Blue="0"/> <HeaderBackgroundColor Red="0.184" Green="0.184" Blue="0.184"/> <HeaderLinkColor Red="1" Green="1" Blue="1"/> <HeaderTextColor Red="1" Green="1" Blue="1"/> <MainBackgroundColor Red="0.101" Green="0.309" Blue="0.45"/> <MainLinkColor Red="1" Green="1" Blue="1"/> <MainMessageBorderColor Red="0.1875" Green="0.558" Blue="0.8125"/> <MainTableBorderColor Red="0.1875" Green="0.558" Blue="0.8125"/> <MainTextColor Red="1" Green="1" Blue="1"/> </ColorScheme> </Branding>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Copyright © 2023 Mark Raynsford <> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. --> <schema xmlns="" xmlns:c="urn:com.io7m.idstore:configuration:1" xmlns:ct="urn:com.io7m.idstore.tls:1" targetNamespace="urn:com.io7m.idstore:configuration:1"> <import namespace="urn:com.io7m.idstore.tls:1"/> <simpleType name="ColorComponent"> <annotation> <documentation> The type of a component within a color. </documentation> </annotation> <restriction base="double"> <minInclusive value="0.0"/> <maxInclusive value="1.0"/> </restriction> </simpleType> <complexType name="ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> An RGB color. </documentation> </annotation> <attribute name="Red" type="c:ColorComponent" use="required"/> <attribute name="Green" type="c:ColorComponent" use="required"/> <attribute name="Blue" type="c:ColorComponent" use="required"/> </complexType> <element name="ErrorBorderColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the border around error messages on web pages. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="HeaderBackgroundColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the web page header background. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="HeaderLinkColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the web page header links. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="HeaderTextColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the web page header text. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="MainBackgroundColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the web page main background. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="MainLinkColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the web page main links on web pages. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="MainMessageBorderColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the border around non-error messages on web pages. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="MainTableBorderColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for table borders on web pages. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="MainTextColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the main text on web pages. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="TextColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the button text. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="BodyColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the button body. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="BorderColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the button border. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="EmbossEColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the east-facing emboss. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="EmbossSColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the south-facing emboss. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="EmbossWColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the west-facing emboss. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="EmbossNColor" type="c:ColorType"> <annotation> <documentation> The color used for the north-facing emboss. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <complexType name="ButtonStateColors"> <annotation> <documentation> The colors used for a particular button state. </documentation> </annotation> <sequence> <element ref="c:BodyColor"/> <element ref="c:BorderColor"/> <element ref="c:EmbossEColor"/> <element ref="c:EmbossNColor"/> <element ref="c:EmbossSColor"/> <element ref="c:EmbossWColor"/> <element ref="c:TextColor"/> </sequence> </complexType> <element name="Enabled" type="c:ButtonStateColors"> <annotation> <documentation> The colors used when the button is in the unpressed, enabled state. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="Disabled" type="c:ButtonStateColors"> <annotation> <documentation> The colors used when the button is in the disabled state. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="Pressed" type="c:ButtonStateColors"> <annotation> <documentation> The colors used when the button is in the pressed state. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="Hover" type="c:ButtonStateColors"> <annotation> <documentation> The colors used when the button is in the hover state. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="ButtonColors"> <annotation> <documentation> The colors used for all button states. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <sequence> <element ref="c:Disabled"/> <element ref="c:Enabled"/> <element ref="c:Hover"/> <element ref="c:Pressed"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element name="ColorScheme"> <complexType> <sequence> <element ref="c:ButtonColors"/> <element ref="c:ErrorBorderColor"/> <element ref="c:HeaderBackgroundColor"/> <element ref="c:HeaderLinkColor"/> <element ref="c:HeaderTextColor"/> <element ref="c:MainBackgroundColor"/> <element ref="c:MainLinkColor"/> <element ref="c:MainMessageBorderColor"/> <element ref="c:MainTableBorderColor"/> <element ref="c:MainTextColor"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element name="Branding"> <complexType> <sequence> <element ref="c:ColorScheme" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </sequence> <attribute name="ProductTitle" use="required" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The product title that will be used in web pages and emails. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Logo" use="optional" type="anyURI"> <annotation> <documentation> A file that contains a logo image used in web pages. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="LoginExtra" use="optional" type="anyURI"> <annotation> <documentation> A file that contains XHTML text that will be inserted into login web pages. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <complexType name="MailTransportType"> <annotation> <documentation> The base type of mail transport configurations. </documentation> </annotation> </complexType> <complexType name="SMTPType"> <annotation> <documentation> Settings for communicating over SMTP without encryption. </documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="c:MailTransportType"> <attribute name="Host" type="anyURI" use="required"/> <attribute name="Port" type="unsignedInt" use="required"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> <complexType name="SMTPTLSType"> <annotation> <documentation> Settings for communicating over SMTP_TLS. </documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="c:MailTransportType"> <attribute name="Host" type="anyURI" use="required"/> <attribute name="Port" type="unsignedInt" use="required"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> <complexType name="SMTPSType"> <annotation> <documentation> Settings for communicating over SMTPS. </documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="c:MailTransportType"> <attribute name="Host" type="anyURI" use="required"/> <attribute name="Port" type="unsignedInt" use="required"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> <element name="SMTP" type="c:SMTPType"/> <element name="SMTPTLS" type="c:SMTPTLSType"/> <element name="SMTPS" type="c:SMTPSType"/> <element name="MailAuthentication"> <annotation> <documentation> The mail server authentication configuration. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <attribute name="Username" type="string" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> The username that will be used to authenticate to the mail server. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Password" type="string" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> The password that will be used to authenticate to the mail server. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="Mail"> <annotation> <documentation> The mail server configuration. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <sequence> <choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <element ref="c:SMTP"/> <element ref="c:SMTPS"/> <element ref="c:SMTPTLS"/> </choice> <element ref="c:MailAuthentication" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </sequence> <attribute name="SenderAddress" type="string" use="required"/> <attribute name="VerificationExpiration" type="duration" use="required"/> </complexType> </element> <element name="Maintenance"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration for the server's periodic maintenance tasks. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <attribute name="TLSReloadInterval" type="duration" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation> The interval at which TLS contexts will be reloaded. If not specified, TLS contexts will not be reloaded. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="History"> <annotation> <documentation> Retention settings for logins. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <attribute name="UserLoginHistoryLimit" type="unsignedInt" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> The number of login records to store for users. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="AdminLoginHistoryLimit" type="unsignedInt" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> The number of login records to store for admins. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <complexType name="HTTPServiceType"> <sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> <group ref="ct:TLSGroup"/> </sequence> <attribute name="ListenAddress" use="required" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The address upon which this HTTP service will listen. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="ListenPort" use="required" type="unsignedInt"> <annotation> <documentation> The port upon which this HTTP service will listen. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="ExternalURI" use="required" type="anyURI"> <annotation> <documentation> The external URI by which this HTTP service will be accessible. This is used in emails and web pages and is primarily useful when the HTTP service will be used behind a reverse proxy. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> <element name="HTTPServiceAdminAPI" type="c:HTTPServiceType"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration for the Admin API service. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="HTTPServiceUserAPI" type="c:HTTPServiceType"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration for the User API service. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="HTTPServiceUserView" type="c:HTTPServiceType"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration for the User view service. </documentation> </annotation> </element> <element name="HTTPServices"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration for HTTP services. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <sequence> <element ref="c:HTTPServiceAdminAPI"/> <element ref="c:HTTPServiceUserAPI"/> <element ref="c:HTTPServiceUserView"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element name="Sessions"> <complexType> <attribute name="UserSessionExpiration" type="duration" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> The maximum age of idle user sessions before they are considered expired and deleted. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="AdminSessionExpiration" type="duration" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> The maximum age of idle admin sessions before they are considered expired and deleted. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="Database"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration for the database service. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <attribute name="OwnerRoleName" use="required" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The name of the role that owns the database. This is used for the initial database setup, and for upgrades. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="OwnerRolePassword" use="required" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The password of the role that owns the database. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="WorkerRolePassword" use="required" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The password of the role used for normal database operation. This is an unprivileged role that does not have the ability to perform DDL or other database-changing operations. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="ReaderRolePassword" use="optional" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The password of the role used for read-only database operation. If this attribute is not specified, the read-only role is not allowed to log in. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Kind" use="required" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The kind of the remote database, such as POSTGRESQL. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Name" use="required" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The name of the database. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Address" use="required" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The address of the database. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Port" use="required" type="unsignedInt"> <annotation> <documentation> The port used to connect to the database. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Create" use="required" type="boolean"> <annotation> <documentation> Should the database be created if it does not already exist? </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Upgrade" use="required" type="boolean"> <annotation> <documentation> Should the database schema be upgraded if the schema version is older than the current application? </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="PasswordExpiration"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration information for password expiration. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <attribute name="UserPasswordValidityDuration" type="duration" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation> The duration for which user passwords are valid. If unspecified, user passwords do not expire. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="AdminPasswordValidityDuration" type="duration" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation> The duration for which admin passwords are valid. If unspecified, user passwords do not expire. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="RateLimiting"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration information for request rate limiting. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <attribute name="UserLoginDelay" type="duration" default="PT1S" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation> A fixed delay added to user login operations in order to reduce the feasibility of online password brute-forcing. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="UserLoginRateLimit" type="duration" default="PT5S" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation> User login attempts cannot be made more frequently than this duration, for a given IP address. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="AdminLoginDelay" type="duration" default="PT1S" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation> A fixed delay added to admin login operations in order to reduce the feasibility of online password brute-forcing. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="AdminLoginRateLimit" type="duration" default="PT5S" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation> Admin login attempts cannot be made more frequently than this duration, for a given IP address. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="EmailVerificationRateLimit" type="duration" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> Email verifications for various operations cannot be prompted more frequently than this duration, for a given user account. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="PasswordResetRateLimit" type="duration" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation> Passwords cannot be reset more frequently than this duration, for a given IP address. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <simpleType name="OpenTelemetryProtocol"> <annotation> <documentation> The protocol used to deliver OpenTelemetry data. </documentation> </annotation> <restriction base="string"> <enumeration value="GRPC"> <annotation> <documentation> The data will be sent using gRPC. </documentation> </annotation> </enumeration> <enumeration value="HTTP"> <annotation> <documentation> The data will be sent using HTTP(s). </documentation> </annotation> </enumeration> </restriction> </simpleType> <element name="Metrics"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration information for OpenTelemetry metrics. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <attribute name="Endpoint" use="required" type="anyURI"> <annotation> <documentation> The endpoint to which OTLP metrics data will be sent. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Protocol" use="required" type="c:OpenTelemetryProtocol"> <annotation> <documentation> The protocol used to send metrics data. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="Traces"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration information for OpenTelemetry traces. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <attribute name="Endpoint" use="required" type="anyURI"> <annotation> <documentation> The endpoint to which OTLP trace data will be sent. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Protocol" use="required" type="c:OpenTelemetryProtocol"> <annotation> <documentation> The protocol used to send trace data. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="Logs"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration information for OpenTelemetry logs/events. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <attribute name="Endpoint" use="required" type="anyURI"> <annotation> <documentation> The endpoint to which OTLP log data will be sent. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="Protocol" use="required" type="c:OpenTelemetryProtocol"> <annotation> <documentation> The protocol used to send log data. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="OpenTelemetry"> <annotation> <documentation> Configuration information for OpenTelemetry. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <sequence> <element ref="c:Logs" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="c:Metrics" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="c:Traces" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </sequence> <attribute name="LogicalServiceName" use="required" type="string"> <annotation> <documentation> The logical name of the service as it will appear in OpenTelemetry. </documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </complexType> </element> <element name="Configuration"> <annotation> <documentation> The main server configuration element. </documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <sequence> <element ref="c:Branding"/> <element ref="c:Database"/> <element ref="c:HTTPServices"/> <element ref="c:History"/> <element ref="c:Mail"/> <element ref="c:Maintenance"/> <element ref="c:OpenTelemetry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="c:PasswordExpiration" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> <element ref="c:RateLimiting"/> <element ref="c:Sessions"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> </schema>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Copyright © 2023 Mark Raynsford <> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. --> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" targetNamespace="urn:com.io7m.idstore.tls:1" xmlns:nt="urn:com.io7m.idstore.tls:1"> <xsd:complexType name="StoreType" abstract="true"> <xsd:attribute name="Type" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="Provider" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="Password" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="File" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="KeyStoreType"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="nt:StoreType"/> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="TrustStoreType"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="nt:StoreType"/> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="KeyStore" type="nt:KeyStoreType"/> <xsd:element name="TrustStore" type="nt:TrustStoreType"/> <xsd:complexType name="TLSType" abstract="true"/> <xsd:complexType name="TLSDisabledType"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="nt:TLSType"/> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="TLSDisabled" type="nt:TLSDisabledType"/> <xsd:complexType name="TLSEnabledType"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="nt:TLSType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref="nt:KeyStore"/> <xsd:element ref="nt:TrustStore"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="TLSEnabled" type="nt:TLSEnabledType"/> <xsd:group name="TLSGroup"> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element ref="nt:TLSDisabled"/> <xsd:element ref="nt:TLSEnabled"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:group> </xsd:schema>
Permission | Description |
ADMIN_DELETE | The bearer of this permission is permitted to delete administrator accounts. |
ADMIN_CREATE | The bearer of this permission is permitted to create new administrator accounts. |
USER_BAN | The bearer of this permission is permitted to ban users. |
ADMIN_BAN | The bearer of this permission is permitted to ban administrators. |
ADMIN_WRITE_CREDENTIALS | The bearer of this permission is permitted to modify the credentials of administrators. |
ADMIN_WRITE_CREDENTIALS_SELF | The bearer of this permission is permitted to modify its own credentials. |
ADMIN_WRITE_EMAIL | The bearer of this permission is permitted to modify the email addresses of administrators. |
ADMIN_WRITE_EMAIL_SELF | The bearer of this permission is permitted to modify its own email addresses. |
ADMIN_WRITE_PERMISSIONS | The bearer of this permission is permitted to modify the permissions of administrators. |
ADMIN_WRITE_PERMISSIONS_SELF | The bearer of this permission is permitted to modify its own permissions. |
ADMIN_READ | The bearer of this permission is permitted to read the accounts of administrators. |
AUDIT_READ | The bearer of this permission is permitted to read the audit log. |
USER_DELETE | The bearer of this permission is permitted to delete user accounts. |
USER_CREATE | The bearer of this permission is permitted to create new user accounts. |
USER_WRITE_CREDENTIALS | The bearer of this permission is permitted to modify the credentials of existing user accounts. |
USER_WRITE_EMAIL | The bearer of this permission is permitted to modify the email addresses existing user accounts. |
USER_READ | The bearer of this permission is permitted to read existing user accounts. |
MAIL_TEST | The bearer of this permission is permitted to send test emails. |
Name | Description |
idstore_up | A gauge that displays a constant 1 value while the server is up. |
idstore_closed_for_maintenance | A gauge that displays a 1 value while the server is in maintenance mode and 0 otherwise. |
idstore_http_time | A gauge that logs the time each HTTP request has taken in nanoseconds. |
idstore_http_requests | A counter that is incremented every time an HTTP request is handled. |
idstore_http_requests_size | A counter that is incremented with the size of every HTTP request. |
idstore_http_responses_size | A counter that is incremented with the size of every produced HTTP response. |
idstore_http_responses_2xx | A counter that is incremented with every HTTP response that produces a 2xx status code. |
idstore_http_responses_4xx | A counter that is incremented with every HTTP response that produces a 4xx status code. A 4xx status code should be understood to mean "blame the client". |
idstore_http_responses_5xx | A counter that is incremented with every HTTP response that produces a 5xx status code. A 5xx status code should be understood to mean "blame the server". |
idstore_mail_ok | A counter that is incremented every time mail is sent successfully. |
idstore_mail_failed | A counter that is incremented every time mail fails to send correctly. |
idstore_mail_time | A gauge that logs the time each mail operation has taken in nanoseconds. |
idstore_ratelimit_triggers | A counter that is incremented every time a rate limit is violated. |
idstore_ratelimit_login_delay | A gauge that produces a constant value taken directly from the configured user and admin login delays. This metric is useful because login delays add significantly to HTTP response times, and this metric can be used to subtract those delays from the logged response times. |
idstore_sessions | A gauge that displays the number of currently active user or admin sessions. |
idstore: usage: idstore [command] [arguments ...] The idstore server and command-line application. Use the "help" command to examine specific commands: $ idstore help help. Command-line arguments can be placed one per line into a file, and the file can be referenced using the @ symbol: $ echo help > file.txt $ echo help >> file.txt $ idstore @file.txt Commands: help Show usage information for a command. initialize Initialize the server and database. server Start the server. shell Run the admin command shell. version Show the application version. Documentation:
$ idstore server --configuration server.conf $ (cat <<EOF --configuration server.conf EOF ) > args.txt $ idstore @args.txt
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
--configuration | Path | true | The configuration file |
--admin-id | UUID | true | The ID of the initial administrator |
--admin-username | String | true | The initial administrator to create. |
--admin-password | String | true | The password of the initial administrator. |
--admin-email | String | true | The email address of the initial administrator. |
--admin-realname | String | true | The real name of the initial administrator. |
--verbose | CLPLogLevel | false | Set the minimum logging verbosity level. |
$ idstore initial-admin \ --admin-id '92f83bce-3973-4db8-8aaf-d401443a9772' \ --admin-email '' \ --admin-realname 'Someone Else' \ --admin-username 'someone' \ --admin-password 12345678 \ --configuration server.conf
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
--verbose | CLPLogLevel | false | Set the minimum logging verbosity level. |
--configuration | Path | true | The configuration file |
$ idstore server --configuration server.conf info: [localhost/<unresolved>:50000] User API server started info: [localhost/<unresolved>:50001] User view server started info: [localhost/<unresolved>:51000] Admin API server started
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
--verbose | CLPLogLevel | false | Set the minimum logging verbosity level. |
$ idstore shell [idstore]# version com.io7m.idstore 0.0.15-SNAPSHOT 20af71248a7784b0e5247eab4b1ebd28de284739
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
--verbose | CLPLogLevel | false | Set the minimum logging verbosity level. |
$ idstore version 1.0.0
Name | Description |
PRETTY | Provides pretty Unicode tables. |
RAW | Provides raw tables. |
[idstore]# set --formatter PRETTY [idstore]# audit-search-begin Page 1 of 2, offset 0 ┌────┬──────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ID │ Time │ Owner │ Type │ Message │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 9 │ 2023-12-20T10:56:39Z │ 5b238548-cf55-44c1-89d2-de3c7c6950a8 │ ADMIN_LOGGED_IN │ {Host=} │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 10 │ 2023-12-20T11:07:12Z │ 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 │ USER_LOGGED_IN │ {Host=} │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 11 │ 2023-12-20T11:09:04Z │ 5b238548-cf55-44c1-89d2-de3c7c6950a8 │ ADMIN_LOGGED_IN │ {Host=} │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 12 │ 2023-12-20T16:55:33Z │ 5b238548-cf55-44c1-89d2-de3c7c6950a8 │ ADMIN_LOGGED_IN │ {Host=} │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 13 │ 2023-12-21T11:20:09Z │ 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 │ USER_LOGGED_IN │ {Host= (} │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 14 │ 2023-12-21T11:21:12Z │ 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 │ USER_LOGGED_IN │ {Host= (} │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 15 │ 2023-12-21T11:30:10Z │ 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 │ USER_LOGGED_IN │ {Host= (} │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 16 │ 2023-12-21T11:56:03Z │ 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 │ USER_LOGGED_IN │ {Host= (} │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 17 │ 2023-12-21T11:56:53Z │ 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 │ USER_LOGGED_IN │ {Host= (} │ ├────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 18 │ 2023-12-21T14:09:40Z │ 5b238548-cf55-44c1-89d2-de3c7c6950a8 │ ADMIN_LOGGED_IN │ {Host=} │ └────┴──────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ [idstore]# set --formatter RAW [idstore]# audit-search-begin # Page 1 of 2, offset 0 # ID | Time | Owner | Type | Message 9 | 2023-12-20T10:56:39Z | 5b238548-cf55-44c1-89d2-de3c7c6950a8 | ADMIN_LOGGED_IN | {Host=} 10 | 2023-12-20T11:07:12Z | 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 | USER_LOGGED_IN | {Host=} 11 | 2023-12-20T11:09:04Z | 5b238548-cf55-44c1-89d2-de3c7c6950a8 | ADMIN_LOGGED_IN | {Host=} 12 | 2023-12-20T16:55:33Z | 5b238548-cf55-44c1-89d2-de3c7c6950a8 | ADMIN_LOGGED_IN | {Host=} 13 | 2023-12-21T11:20:09Z | 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 | USER_LOGGED_IN | {Host= (} 14 | 2023-12-21T11:21:12Z | 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 | USER_LOGGED_IN | {Host= (} 15 | 2023-12-21T11:30:10Z | 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 | USER_LOGGED_IN | {Host= (} 16 | 2023-12-21T11:56:03Z | 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 | USER_LOGGED_IN | {Host= (} 17 | 2023-12-21T11:56:53Z | 3cd252a7-5d9f-44a9-87d1-cb60bdd608b3 | USER_LOGGED_IN | {Host= (} 18 | 2023-12-21T14:09:40Z | 5b238548-cf55-44c1-89d2-de3c7c6950a8 | ADMIN_LOGGED_IN | {Host=}
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--admin | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The admin ID. | |
--expires-on | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [0, 1] | The time/date the ban expires. | |
--reason | java.lang.String | [1, 1] | The ban reason. |
[idstore]# admin-ban-create > --admin 3a193a61-9427-4c24-8bd4-667d19914970 > --expires-on 2100-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 > --reason "You did something objectionable"
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--admin | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The admin ID. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--admin | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The admin ID. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
com.io7m.idstore.model.IdEmail | [1, 1] | The email address. | ||
--id | java.util.UUID | [0, 1] | The user ID. | |
--name | java.lang.String | [1, 1] | The user name. | |
--password | java.lang.String | [1, 1] | The password. | |
--permission | com.io7m.idstore.model.IdAdminPermission | [0, N] | [] | A permission to grant the admin. |
--real-name | java.lang.String | [1, 1] | The user's real name. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--admin | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The admin ID. | |
com.io7m.idstore.model.IdEmail | [1, 1] | The email address. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--admin | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The admin ID. | |
com.io7m.idstore.model.IdEmail | [1, 1] | The email address. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
com.io7m.idstore.model.IdEmail | [1, 1] | The email address. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--admin | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The admin ID. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--created-from | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | 1970-01-01T00:00Z | Return admins created later than this date. |
--created-to | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | +101970-01-01T00:00Z | Return admins created earlier than this date. |
--query | java.lang.String | [0, 1] | Match admins against this query text. | |
--updated-from | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | 1970-01-01T00:00Z | Return admins updated later than this date. |
--updated-to | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | +101970-01-01T00:00Z | Return admins updated earlier than this date. |
--limit | java.lang.Integer | [1, 1] | 10 | The maximum number of results per page. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--created-from | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | 1970-01-01T00:00Z | Return admins created later than this date. |
--created-to | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | +101970-01-01T00:00Z | Return admins created earlier than this date. |
java.lang.String | [0, 1] | Match admin emails against this query text. | ||
--updated-from | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | 1970-01-01T00:00Z | Return admins updated later than this date. |
--updated-to | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | +101970-01-01T00:00Z | Return admins updated earlier than this date. |
--limit | java.lang.Integer | [1, 1] | 10 | The maximum number of results per page. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--admin | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The admin ID. | |
--expires | com.io7m.idstore.protocol.admin.IdAPasswordExpirationSetType | [1, 1] | The password expiration. |
[idstore#] admin-update-password-expiration --admin 3a193a61-9427-4c24-8bd4-667d19914970 --expires default The password will not expire. [idstore#] admin-update-password-expiration --admin 3a193a61-9427-4c24-8bd4-667d19914970 --expires 2100-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 The password will expire at 2100-01-01T00:00:00Z. [idstore#] admin-update-password-expiration --admin 3a193a61-9427-4c24-8bd4-667d19914970 --expires never The password will not expire.
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--message | java.lang.String | [0, 1] | Filter events by message. | |
--owner | java.lang.String | [0, 1] | Filter events by owner. | |
--time-from | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | 1970-01-01T00:00Z | Return audit events later than this date. |
--time-to | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | +101970-01-01T00:00Z | Return audit events earlier than this date. |
--type | java.lang.String | [0, 1] | Filter events by type. | |
--limit | java.lang.Integer | [1, 1] | 10 | The maximum number of results per page. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
com.io7m.idstore.model.IdEmail | [1] | The target email address. | ||
--token | com.io7m.idstore.model.IdShortHumanToken | [0, 1] | The short token to include in the email. If a value is not provided, one is randomly generated. |
[idstore]# mail-test --email Mail sent successfully. Token: 220384
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--set | String | [0, 1] | The message to display to users announcing maintenance mode. | |
--unset | String | [0, 1] | Unset maintenance mode. The string argument is ignored. |
[idstore]# maintenance-mode --set 'We are performing maintenance. Normal service will resume shortly.' Server is in maintenance mode with message "We are performing maintenance. Normal service will resume shortly." [idstore]# maintenance-mode --unset Ignored Server is now actively serving requests.
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--terminate-on-errors | java.lang.Boolean | [0, 1] | Terminate execution on the first command that returns an error. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--expires-on | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [0, 1] | The time/date the ban expires. | |
--reason | java.lang.String | [1, 1] | The ban reason. | |
--user | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The user ID. |
[idstore]# user-ban-create > --user 3a193a61-9427-4c24-8bd4-667d19914970 > --expires-on 2100-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 > --reason "You did something objectionable"
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--user | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The user ID. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--user | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The user ID. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
com.io7m.idstore.model.IdEmail | [1, 1] | The email address. | ||
--id | java.util.UUID | [0, 1] | The user ID. | |
--name | java.lang.String | [1, 1] | The user name. | |
--password | java.lang.String | [1, 1] | The password. | |
--real-name | java.lang.String | [1, 1] | The user's real name. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
com.io7m.idstore.model.IdEmail | [1, 1] | The email address. | ||
--user | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The user ID. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
com.io7m.idstore.model.IdEmail | [1, 1] | The email address. | ||
--user | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The user ID. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
com.io7m.idstore.model.IdEmail | [1, 1] | The email address. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--user | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The user ID. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--user | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The user ID. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--created-from | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | 1970-01-01T00:00Z | Return users created later than this date. |
--created-to | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | +101970-01-01T00:00Z | Return users created earlier than this date. |
--query | java.lang.String | [0, 1] | Match users against this query text. | |
--updated-from | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | 1970-01-01T00:00Z | Return users updated later than this date. |
--updated-to | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | +101970-01-01T00:00Z | Return users updated earlier than this date. |
--limit | java.lang.Integer | [1, 1] | 10 | The maximum number of results per page. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--created-from | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | 1970-01-01T00:00Z | Return users created later than this date. |
--created-to | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | +101970-01-01T00:00Z | Return users created earlier than this date. |
java.lang.String | [0, 1] | Match user emails against this query text. | ||
--updated-from | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | 1970-01-01T00:00Z | Return users updated later than this date. |
--updated-to | java.time.OffsetDateTime | [1, 1] | +101970-01-01T00:00Z | Return users updated earlier than this date. |
--limit | java.lang.Integer | [1, 1] | 10 | The maximum number of results per page. |
Parameter | Type | Cardinality | Default | Description |
--user | java.util.UUID | [1, 1] | The user ID. | |
--expires | com.io7m.idstore.protocol.admin.IdAPasswordExpirationSetType | [1, 1] | The password expiration. |
[idstore#] user-update-password-expiration --user 3a193a61-9427-4c24-8bd4-667d19914970 --expires default The password will not expire. [idstore#] user-update-password-expiration --user 3a193a61-9427-4c24-8bd4-667d19914970 --expires 2100-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 The password will expire at 2100-01-01T00:00:00Z. [idstore#] user-update-password-expiration --user 3a193a61-9427-4c24-8bd4-667d19914970 --expires never The password will not expire.
$ curl | hexdump 0000:0000 | 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 DE 1E F9 F2 5E A7 38 8A | ........Þ.ùò^§8. 0000:0010 | 9B 79 78 8C 13 2A BF D1 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 | .yx..*¿Ñ........ 0000:0020 | 00 00 00 0B 2F 61 64 6D 69 6E 2F 31 2F 30 2F | ..../admin/1/0/
; ; Copyright © 2023 Mark Raynsford <> ; ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any ; purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above ; copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES ; WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ; MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ; SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES ; WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ; ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR ; IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ; [language cedarbridge 1 0] [package com.io7m.idstore.protocol.admin.cb] [import com.io7m.cedarbridge cb] [import com.io7m.cedarbridge.time ct] [documentation IdA1Password "Information for a hashed password."] [record IdA1Password [documentation algorithm "The password algorithm."] [field algorithm cb:String] [documentation hash "The password hash."] [field hash cb:String] [documentation salt "The password salt."] [field salt cb:String] [documentation expires "The password expiration date."] [field expires [cb:Option ct:OffsetDateTime]] ] [documentation IdA1TimestampUTC "A UTC timestamp value."] [record IdA1TimestampUTC [documentation year "The year."] [field year cb:IntegerUnsigned32] [documentation month "The month in the range [1, 12]."] [field month cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation day "The day of the month in the range [1, 31]."] [field day cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation hour "The hour in the range [0, 23]."] [field hour cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation minute "The minute in the range [0, 59]."] [field minute cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation second "The second in the range [0, 59]."] [field second cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation millisecond "The millisecond in the range [0, 999]."] [field millisecond cb:IntegerUnsigned32] ] [documentation IdA1Ban "An account ban."] [record IdA1Ban [documentation user "The user (or admin) ID."] [field user cb:UUID] [documentation reason "The ban reason."] [field reason cb:String] [documentation expires "The expiration date, if any."] [field expires [cb:Option IdA1TimestampUTC]] ] [documentation IdA1TimeRange "A UTC time range."] [record IdA1TimeRange [documentation lower "The lower bound."] [field lower IdA1TimestampUTC] [documentation upper "The upper bound."] [field upper IdA1TimestampUTC] ] [documentation IdA1Login "A login record."] [record IdA1Login [documentation user "The user ID."] [field user cb:UUID] [documentation time "The login time."] [field time IdA1TimestampUTC] [documentation host "The user's host."] [field host cb:String] [documentation agent "The user's agent."] [field agent cb:String] ] [documentation IdA1AdminPermission "An admin permission."] [variant IdA1AdminPermission [documentation AdminBan "A permission that allows for banning admins."] [case AdminBan] [documentation AdminCreate "A permission that allows for creating admins."] [case AdminCreate] [documentation AdminDelete "A permission that allows for deleting admins."] [case AdminDelete] [documentation AdminWriteCredentials "A permission that allows updating admin credentials."] [case AdminWriteCredentials] [documentation AdminWriteCredentialsSelf "A permission that allows an admin to update its own credentials."] [case AdminWriteCredentialsSelf] [documentation AdminWriteEmail "A permission that allows updating admin emails."] [case AdminWriteEmail] [documentation AdminWriteEmailSelf "A permission that allows an admin to update its own emails."] [case AdminWriteEmailSelf] [documentation AdminWritePermissions "A permission that allows updating admin permissions."] [case AdminWritePermissions] [documentation AdminWritePermissionsSelf "A permission that allows an admin to update its own permissions."] [case AdminWritePermissionsSelf] [documentation AdminRead "A permission that allows reading admins."] [case AdminRead] [documentation AuditRead "A permission that allows reading the audit log."] [case AuditRead] [documentation UserDelete "A permission that allows deleting users."] [case UserDelete] [documentation UserCreate "A permission that allows creating users."] [case UserCreate] [documentation UserWriteCredentials "A permission that allows updating user credentials."] [case UserWriteCredentials] [documentation UserWriteEmail "A permission that allows updating user emails."] [case UserWriteEmail] [documentation UserRead "A permission that allows reading users."] [case UserRead] [documentation UserBan "A permission that allows for banning users."] [case UserBan] [documentation MailTest "A permission that allows for sending test mail."] [case MailTest] [documentation MaintenanceMode "A permission that allows for changing the server's maintenance mode."] [case MaintenanceMode] ] [documentation IdA1AdminColumn "A column to use for sorting admins."] [variant IdA1AdminColumn [documentation ByID "Order by admin ID."] [case ByID] [documentation ByIDName "Order by admin id name."] [case ByIDName] [documentation ByRealName "Order by admin realname."] [case ByRealName] [documentation ByTimeCreated "Order by admin creation time."] [case ByTimeCreated] [documentation ByTimeUpdated "Order by admin update time."] [case ByTimeUpdated] ] [documentation IdA1AdminColumnOrdering "A column ordering spec."] [record IdA1AdminColumnOrdering [documentation column "The admin column."] [field column IdA1AdminColumn] [documentation ascending "True if the results should be ascending."] [field ascending cb:Boolean] ] [documentation IdA1AdminSearchParameters "Search parameters for admins."] [record IdA1AdminSearchParameters [documentation timeCreatedRange "The range of creation times for returned admins."] [field timeCreatedRange IdA1TimeRange] [documentation timeUpdatedRange "The range of update times for returned admins."] [field timeUpdatedRange IdA1TimeRange] [documentation search "The search query text."] [field search [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation ordering "The result ordering."] [field ordering IdA1AdminColumnOrdering] [documentation limit "The limit on the number of results."] [field limit cb:IntegerUnsigned16] ] [documentation IdA1AdminSearchByEmailParameters "Search parameters for admins (by email)."] [record IdA1AdminSearchByEmailParameters [documentation timeCreatedRange "The range of creation times for returned admins."] [field timeCreatedRange IdA1TimeRange] [documentation timeUpdatedRange "The range of update times for returned admins."] [field timeUpdatedRange IdA1TimeRange] [documentation search "The search query text."] [field search cb:String] [documentation ordering "The result ordering."] [field ordering IdA1AdminColumnOrdering] [documentation limit "The limit on the number of results."] [field limit cb:IntegerUnsigned16] ] [documentation IdA1AuditSearchParameters "Search parameters for audit records."] [record IdA1AuditSearchParameters [documentation timeRange "The range of time to include."] [field timeRange IdA1TimeRange] [documentation owner "All records contain this owner, if specified."] [field owner [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation type "All records contain this type, if specified."] [field type [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation limit "The limit on the number of results."] [field limit cb:IntegerUnsigned16] ] [documentation IdA1UserColumn "A column to use for sorting users."] [variant IdA1UserColumn [documentation ByID "Order by user ID."] [case ByID] [documentation ByIDName "Order by user id name."] [case ByIDName] [documentation ByRealName "Order by user realname."] [case ByRealName] [documentation ByTimeCreated "Order by user creation time."] [case ByTimeCreated] [documentation ByTimeUpdated "Order by user update time."] [case ByTimeUpdated] ] [documentation IdA1UserColumnOrdering "A column ordering spec."] [record IdA1UserColumnOrdering [documentation column "The user column."] [field column IdA1UserColumn] [documentation ascending "True if the results should be ascending."] [field ascending cb:Boolean] ] [documentation IdA1UserSearchParameters "Search parameters for users."] [record IdA1UserSearchParameters [documentation timeCreatedRange "The range of creation times for returned users."] [field timeCreatedRange IdA1TimeRange] [documentation timeUpdatedRange "The range of update times for returned users."] [field timeUpdatedRange IdA1TimeRange] [documentation search "The search query text."] [field search [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation ordering "The result ordering."] [field ordering IdA1UserColumnOrdering] [documentation limit "The limit on the number of results."] [field limit cb:IntegerUnsigned16] ] [documentation IdA1UserSearchByEmailParameters "Search parameters for users (by email)."] [record IdA1UserSearchByEmailParameters [documentation timeCreatedRange "The range of creation times for returned users."] [field timeCreatedRange IdA1TimeRange] [documentation timeUpdatedRange "The range of update times for returned users."] [field timeUpdatedRange IdA1TimeRange] [documentation search "The search query text."] [field search cb:String] [documentation ordering "The result ordering."] [field ordering IdA1UserColumnOrdering] [documentation limit "The limit on the number of results."] [field limit cb:IntegerUnsigned16] ] [documentation IdA1Admin "An administrator."] [record IdA1Admin [documentation id "The admin ID."] [field id cb:UUID] [documentation idName "The admin ID name."] [field idName cb:String] [documentation realName "The admin real name."] [field realName cb:String] [documentation emails "The admin emails."] [field emails [cb:List cb:String]] [documentation timeCreated "The time the admin was created."] [field timeCreated IdA1TimestampUTC] [documentation timeUpdated "The time the admin was last updated."] [field timeUpdated IdA1TimestampUTC] [documentation password "The hashed admin password."] [field password IdA1Password] [documentation permissions "The admin permissions."] [field permissions [cb:List IdA1AdminPermission]] ] [documentation IdA1Page "A page of results."] [record IdA1Page [documentation T "The type of result values."] [parameter T] [documentation items "The list of results."] [field items [cb:List T]] [documentation pageIndex "The page index."] [field pageIndex cb:IntegerUnsigned32] [documentation pageCount "The page count."] [field pageCount cb:IntegerUnsigned32] [documentation pageFirstOffset "The offset of the first item in the page."] [field pageFirstOffset cb:IntegerUnsigned64]] [documentation IdA1AdminSummary "An admin summary."] [record IdA1AdminSummary [documentation id "The admin ID."] [field id cb:UUID] [documentation idName "The admin ID name."] [field idName cb:String] [documentation realName "The admin real name."] [field realName cb:String] [documentation timeCreated "The time the admin was created."] [field timeCreated IdA1TimestampUTC] [documentation timeUpdated "The time the admin was last updated."] [field timeUpdated IdA1TimestampUTC] ] [documentation IdA1AuditEvent "An audit event."] [record IdA1AuditEvent [documentation id "The audit event ID."] [field id cb:IntegerUnsigned64] [documentation owner "The audit event owner."] [field owner cb:UUID] [documentation time "The audit event time."] [field time IdA1TimestampUTC] [documentation type "The audit event type."] [field type cb:String] [documentation data "The audit event data."] [field data [cb:Map cb:String cb:String]] ] [documentation IdA1User "A user."] [record IdA1User [documentation id "The user ID."] [field id cb:UUID] [documentation idName "The user ID name."] [field idName cb:String] [documentation realName "The user real name."] [field realName cb:String] [documentation emails "The user emails."] [field emails [cb:List cb:String]] [documentation timeCreated "The time the user was created."] [field timeCreated IdA1TimestampUTC] [documentation timeUpdated "The time the user was last updated."] [field timeUpdated IdA1TimestampUTC] [documentation password "The hashed user password."] [field password IdA1Password] ] [documentation IdA1UserSummary "A user summary."] [record IdA1UserSummary [documentation id "The user ID."] [field id cb:UUID] [documentation idName "The user ID name."] [field idName cb:String] [documentation realName "The user real name."] [field realName cb:String] [documentation timeCreated "The time the user was created."] [field timeCreated IdA1TimestampUTC] [documentation timeUpdated "The time the user was last updated."] [field timeUpdated IdA1TimestampUTC] ] [documentation IdA1PasswordExpirationSet "The possible behaviours for setting password expirations."] [variant IdA1PasswordExpirationSet [documentation Never "Never expire, regardless of the server setting."] [case Never] [documentation Refresh "Refresh the password to the server setting."] [case Refresh] [documentation Specific "Expire at the given time, regardless of the server setting."] [case Specific [field time ct:OffsetDateTime]] ] ; ; Admin commands. ; [documentation IdA1CommandAdminBanCreate "Ban an admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminBanCreate [documentation ban "The ban."] [field ban IdA1Ban] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminBanDelete "Remove a ban on an admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminBanDelete [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminBanGet "Get a ban on an admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminBanGet [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminCreate "Create an admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminCreate [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId [cb:Option cb:UUID]] [documentation idName "The admin ID name."] [field idName cb:String] [documentation realName "The admin real name."] [field realName cb:String] [documentation email "The admin email."] [field email cb:String] [documentation password "The admin password."] [field password IdA1Password] [documentation permissions "The set of permissions."] [field permissions [cb:List IdA1AdminPermission]] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminDelete "Delete an admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminDelete [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminEmailAdd "Add an email address to the given admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminEmailAdd [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId cb:UUID] [documentation email "The email address."] [field email cb:String] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminEmailRemove "Remove an email address from the given admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminEmailRemove [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId cb:UUID] [documentation email "The email address."] [field email cb:String] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminGet "Get the given admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminGet [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminGetByEmail "Get the admin with the given email address."] [record IdA1CommandAdminGetByEmail [documentation email "The email address."] [field email cb:String] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminPermissionGrant "Grant a permission to the given admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminPermissionGrant [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId cb:UUID] [documentation permission "The permission."] [field permission IdA1AdminPermission] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminPermissionRevoke "Revoke a permission from the given admin."] [record IdA1CommandAdminPermissionRevoke [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId cb:UUID] [documentation permission "The permission."] [field permission IdA1AdminPermission] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminSearchBegin "Start searching for admins."] [record IdA1CommandAdminSearchBegin [documentation parameters "The search parameters."] [field parameters IdA1AdminSearchParameters] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailBegin "Start searching for admins (by email)."] [record IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailBegin [documentation parameters "The search parameters."] [field parameters IdA1AdminSearchByEmailParameters] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailNext "Get the next page of admin search results."] [record IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailNext] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailPrevious "Get the previous page of admin search results."] [record IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailPrevious] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminSearchNext "Get the next page of admin search results."] [record IdA1CommandAdminSearchNext] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminSearchPrevious "Get the previous page of admin search results."] [record IdA1CommandAdminSearchPrevious] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminSelf "A request to fetch the admin's own profile."] [record IdA1CommandAdminSelf] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminUpdateCredentials "A request to edit an admin's credentials."] [record IdA1CommandAdminUpdateCredentials [documentation adminId "The admin."] [field adminId cb:UUID] [documentation idName "The admin's new ID name."] [field idName [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation realName "The admin's new real name."] [field realName [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation password "The admin's new password"] [field password [cb:Option IdA1Password]] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAdminUpdatePasswordExpiration "A request to update the admin's password expiration."] [record IdA1CommandAdminUpdatePasswordExpiration [documentation userId "The admin."] [field userId cb:UUID] [documentation set "The set behaviour."] [field set IdA1PasswordExpirationSet] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAuditSearchBegin "Start searching/listing audit records."] [record IdA1CommandAuditSearchBegin [documentation parameters "The search parameters."] [field parameters IdA1AuditSearchParameters] ] [documentation IdA1CommandAuditSearchNext "Get the next page of audit search results."] [record IdA1CommandAuditSearchNext] [documentation IdA1CommandAuditSearchPrevious "Get the previous page of audit search results."] [record IdA1CommandAuditSearchPrevious] [documentation IdA1CommandMailTest "Send a test email to a given address."] [record IdA1CommandMailTest [documentation address "The target email address."] [field address cb:String] [documentation token "The email token."] [field token cb:String] ] [documentation IdA1CommandMaintenanceModeSet "Move the server to/from maintenance mode."] [record IdA1CommandMaintenanceModeSet [documentation message "The message (if maintenance mode is to be turned on)."] [field message [cb:Option cb:String]] ] [documentation IdA1CommandLogin "A request to log in."] [record IdA1CommandLogin [documentation userName "The username."] [field userName cb:String] [documentation password "The password."] [field password cb:String] [documentation metadata "The extra metadata"] [field metadata [cb:Map cb:String cb:String]] ] ; ; User commands. ; [documentation IdA1CommandUserBanCreate "Ban a user."] [record IdA1CommandUserBanCreate [documentation ban "The ban."] [field ban IdA1Ban] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserBanDelete "Remove a ban on a user."] [record IdA1CommandUserBanDelete [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserBanGet "Get a ban on a user."] [record IdA1CommandUserBanGet [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserCreate "Create a user."] [record IdA1CommandUserCreate [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId [cb:Option cb:UUID]] [documentation idName "The user ID name."] [field idName cb:String] [documentation realName "The user real name."] [field realName cb:String] [documentation email "The user email."] [field email cb:String] [documentation password "The user password."] [field password IdA1Password] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserDelete "Delete a user."] [record IdA1CommandUserDelete [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserEmailAdd "Add an email address to the given user."] [record IdA1CommandUserEmailAdd [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId cb:UUID] [documentation email "The email address."] [field email cb:String] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserEmailRemove "Remove an email address from the given user."] [record IdA1CommandUserEmailRemove [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId cb:UUID] [documentation email "The email address."] [field email cb:String] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserGet "Get the given user."] [record IdA1CommandUserGet [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserGetByEmail "Get the user with the given email address."] [record IdA1CommandUserGetByEmail [documentation email "The email address."] [field email cb:String] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserLoginHistory "Get the given user's login history."] [record IdA1CommandUserLoginHistory [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserSearchBegin "Start searching for users."] [record IdA1CommandUserSearchBegin [documentation parameters "The search parameters."] [field parameters IdA1UserSearchParameters] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailBegin "Start searching for users (by email)."] [record IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailBegin [documentation parameters "The search parameters."] [field parameters IdA1UserSearchByEmailParameters] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailNext "Get the next page of user search results."] [record IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailNext] [documentation IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailPrevious "Get the previous page of user search results."] [record IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailPrevious] [documentation IdA1CommandUserSearchNext "Get the next page of user search results."] [record IdA1CommandUserSearchNext] [documentation IdA1CommandUserSearchPrevious "Get the previous page of user search results."] [record IdA1CommandUserSearchPrevious] [documentation IdA1CommandUserUpdateCredentials "A request to fetch the user's own profile."] [record IdA1CommandUserUpdateCredentials [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId cb:UUID] [documentation idName "The user's new ID name."] [field idName [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation realName "The user's new real name."] [field realName [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation password "The user's new password"] [field password [cb:Option IdA1Password]] ] [documentation IdA1CommandUserUpdatePasswordExpiration "A request to update the user's password expiration."] [record IdA1CommandUserUpdatePasswordExpiration [documentation userId "The user."] [field userId cb:UUID] [documentation set "The set behaviour."] [field set IdA1PasswordExpirationSet] ] ; ; Admin responses. ; [documentation IdA1ResponseBlame "A blame assignment."] [variant IdA1ResponseBlame [documentation BlameClient "The client sent a bad response."] [case BlameClient] [documentation BlameServer "Something went wrong on the server."] [case BlameServer] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminBanCreate "A response to IdA1CommandAdminBanCreate."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminBanCreate [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation ban "The ban."] [field ban IdA1Ban] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminBanDelete "A response to IdA1CommandAdminBanDelete."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminBanDelete [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminBanGet "A response to IdA1CommandAdminBanGet."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminBanGet [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation ban "The ban."] [field ban [cb:Option IdA1Ban]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminCreate "A response to IdA1CommandAdminCreate."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminCreate [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation admin "The admin."] [field admin IdA1Admin] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminDelete "A response to IdA1CommandAdminDelete."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminDelete [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminGet "A response to IdA1CommandAdminGet."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminGet [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation admin "The admin."] [field admin [cb:Option IdA1Admin]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminSearchBegin "A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchBegin."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminSearchBegin [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The first page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1AdminSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminSearchNext "A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchNext."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminSearchNext [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The next page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1AdminSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminSearchPrevious "A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchPrevious."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminSearchPrevious [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The previous page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1AdminSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminSearchByEmailBegin "A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailBegin."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminSearchByEmailBegin [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The first page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1AdminSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminSearchByEmailNext "A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailNext."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminSearchByEmailNext [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The next page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1AdminSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminSearchByEmailPrevious "A response to IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailPrevious."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminSearchByEmailPrevious [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The previous page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1AdminSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminSelf "A response to IdA1CommandAdminSelf."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminSelf [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation admin "The admin."] [field admin IdA1Admin] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAdminUpdate "A response to IdA1CommandAdminUpdateCredentials."] [record IdA1ResponseAdminUpdate [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation admin "The admin."] [field admin IdA1Admin] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAuditSearchBegin "A response to IdA1CommandAuditSearchBegin."] [record IdA1ResponseAuditSearchBegin [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The first page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1AuditEvent]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAuditSearchNext "A response to IdA1CommandAuditSearchNext."] [record IdA1ResponseAuditSearchNext [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The next page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1AuditEvent]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseAuditSearchPrevious "A response to IdA1CommandAuditSearchPrevious."] [record IdA1ResponseAuditSearchPrevious [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The previous page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1AuditEvent]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseMaintenanceModeSet "A response to IdA1CommandMaintenanceModeSet."] [record IdA1ResponseMaintenanceModeSet [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation message "The response message."] [field message cb:String] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseMailTest "A response to IdA1CommandMailTest."] [record IdA1ResponseMailTest [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation token "The unique token that was placed into the test email."] [field token cb:String] ] ; ; User responses. ; [documentation IdA1ResponseUserBanCreate "A response to IdA1CommandUserBanCreate."] [record IdA1ResponseUserBanCreate [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation ban "The ban."] [field ban IdA1Ban] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserBanDelete "A response to IdA1CommandUserBanDelete."] [record IdA1ResponseUserBanDelete [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserBanGet "A response to IdA1CommandUserBanGet."] [record IdA1ResponseUserBanGet [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation ban "The ban."] [field ban [cb:Option IdA1Ban]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserCreate "A response to IdA1CommandUserCreate."] [record IdA1ResponseUserCreate [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation user "The user."] [field user IdA1User] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserDelete "A response to IdA1CommandUserDelete."] [record IdA1ResponseUserDelete [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserGet "A response to IdA1CommandUserGet."] [record IdA1ResponseUserGet [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation user "The user."] [field user [cb:Option IdA1User]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserSearchBegin "A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchBegin."] [record IdA1ResponseUserSearchBegin [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The first page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1UserSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserSearchNext "A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchNext."] [record IdA1ResponseUserSearchNext [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The next page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1UserSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserSearchPrevious "A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchPrevious."] [record IdA1ResponseUserSearchPrevious [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The previous page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1UserSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserSearchByEmailBegin "A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailBegin."] [record IdA1ResponseUserSearchByEmailBegin [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The first page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1UserSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserSearchByEmailNext "A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailNext."] [record IdA1ResponseUserSearchByEmailNext [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The next page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1UserSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserSearchByEmailPrevious "A response to IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailPrevious."] [record IdA1ResponseUserSearchByEmailPrevious [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation page "The previous page of results."] [field page [IdA1Page IdA1UserSummary]] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserUpdate "A response to IdA1CommandUserUpdateCredentials."] [record IdA1ResponseUserUpdate [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation user "The user."] [field user IdA1User] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseUserLoginHistory "A response to IdA1CommandUserLoginHistory."] [record IdA1ResponseUserLoginHistory [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation requestId "The user's login history."] [field history [cb:List IdA1Login]] ] ; ; General responses. ; [documentation IdA1ResponseError "An error response."] [record IdA1ResponseError [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation errorCode "The error code."] [field errorCode cb:String] [documentation message "The error message."] [field message cb:String] [documentation attributes "The error attributes."] [field attributes [cb:Map cb:String cb:String]] [documentation remediatingAction "The remediating action, if any."] [field remediatingAction [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation blame "The blame assignment."] [field blame IdA1ResponseBlame] ] [documentation IdA1ResponseLogin "A response to IdA1CommandLogin."] [record IdA1ResponseLogin [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation admin "The admin."] [field admin IdA1Admin] ] [documentation IdA "The Admin protocol."] [protocol IdA [version 1 [types-added IdA1CommandAdminBanCreate IdA1CommandAdminBanDelete IdA1CommandAdminBanGet IdA1CommandAdminCreate IdA1CommandAdminDelete IdA1CommandAdminEmailAdd IdA1CommandAdminEmailRemove IdA1CommandAdminGet IdA1CommandAdminGetByEmail IdA1CommandAdminPermissionGrant IdA1CommandAdminPermissionRevoke IdA1CommandAdminSearchBegin IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailBegin IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailNext IdA1CommandAdminSearchByEmailPrevious IdA1CommandAdminSearchNext IdA1CommandAdminSearchPrevious IdA1CommandAdminSelf IdA1CommandAdminUpdateCredentials IdA1CommandAdminUpdatePasswordExpiration IdA1CommandAuditSearchBegin IdA1CommandAuditSearchNext IdA1CommandAuditSearchPrevious IdA1CommandLogin IdA1CommandMailTest IdA1CommandMaintenanceModeSet IdA1CommandUserBanCreate IdA1CommandUserBanDelete IdA1CommandUserBanGet IdA1CommandUserCreate IdA1CommandUserDelete IdA1CommandUserEmailAdd IdA1CommandUserEmailRemove IdA1CommandUserGet IdA1CommandUserGetByEmail IdA1CommandUserLoginHistory IdA1CommandUserSearchBegin IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailBegin IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailNext IdA1CommandUserSearchByEmailPrevious IdA1CommandUserSearchNext IdA1CommandUserSearchPrevious IdA1CommandUserUpdateCredentials IdA1CommandUserUpdatePasswordExpiration IdA1ResponseAdminBanCreate IdA1ResponseAdminBanDelete IdA1ResponseAdminBanGet IdA1ResponseAdminCreate IdA1ResponseAdminDelete IdA1ResponseAdminGet IdA1ResponseAdminSearchBegin IdA1ResponseAdminSearchByEmailBegin IdA1ResponseAdminSearchByEmailNext IdA1ResponseAdminSearchByEmailPrevious IdA1ResponseAdminSearchNext IdA1ResponseAdminSearchPrevious IdA1ResponseAdminSelf IdA1ResponseAdminUpdate IdA1ResponseAuditSearchBegin IdA1ResponseAuditSearchNext IdA1ResponseAuditSearchPrevious IdA1ResponseError IdA1ResponseLogin IdA1ResponseMailTest IdA1ResponseMaintenanceModeSet IdA1ResponseUserBanCreate IdA1ResponseUserBanDelete IdA1ResponseUserBanGet IdA1ResponseUserCreate IdA1ResponseUserDelete IdA1ResponseUserGet IdA1ResponseUserLoginHistory IdA1ResponseUserSearchBegin IdA1ResponseUserSearchByEmailBegin IdA1ResponseUserSearchByEmailNext IdA1ResponseUserSearchByEmailPrevious IdA1ResponseUserSearchNext IdA1ResponseUserSearchPrevious IdA1ResponseUserUpdate ] ] ]
$ curl | hexdump 0000:0000 | 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 ED 62 8C 5A 01 82 36 AB | ........íb.Z..6« 0000:0010 | BE E3 5F E6 F6 A2 18 94 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 | ¾ã_æö¢.......... 0000:0020 | 00 00 00 0A 2F 75 73 65 72 2F 31 2F 30 2F | ..../user/1/0/
; ; Copyright © 2023 Mark Raynsford <> ; ; Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any ; purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above ; copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES ; WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ; MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY ; SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES ; WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ; ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR ; IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ; [language cedarbridge 1 0] [package com.io7m.idstore.protocol.user.cb] [import com.io7m.cedarbridge cb] [import com.io7m.cedarbridge.time ct] [documentation IdU1Password "Information for a hashed password."] [record IdU1Password [documentation algorithm "The password algorithm."] [field algorithm cb:String] [documentation hash "The password hash."] [field hash cb:String] [documentation salt "The password salt."] [field salt cb:String] [documentation expires "The password expiration date."] [field expires [cb:Option ct:OffsetDateTime]] ] [documentation IdU1TimestampUTC "A UTC timestamp value."] [record IdU1TimestampUTC [documentation year "The year."] [field year cb:IntegerUnsigned32] [documentation month "The month in the range [1, 12]."] [field month cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation day "The day of the month in the range [1, 31]."] [field day cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation hour "The hour in the range [0, 23]."] [field hour cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation minute "The minute in the range [0, 59]."] [field minute cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation second "The second in the range [0, 59]."] [field second cb:IntegerUnsigned8] [documentation millisecond "The millisecond in the range [0, 999]."] [field millisecond cb:IntegerUnsigned32] ] [documentation IdU1User "A user."] [record IdU1User [documentation id "The user ID."] [field id cb:UUID] [documentation idName "The user ID name."] [field idName cb:String] [documentation realName "The user real name."] [field realName cb:String] [documentation emails "The user emails."] [field emails [cb:List cb:String]] [documentation timeCreated "The time the account was created."] [field timeCreated IdU1TimestampUTC] [documentation timeUpdated "The time the account was updated."] [field timeUpdated IdU1TimestampUTC] [documentation password "The user password."] [field password IdU1Password] ] ; ; Commands. ; [documentation IdU1CommandLogin "A request to log in."] [record IdU1CommandLogin [documentation userName "The username."] [field userName cb:String] [documentation password "The password."] [field password cb:String] [documentation metadata "Extra metadata included with the login request."] [field metadata [cb:Map cb:String cb:String]] ] [documentation IdU1CommandUserSelf "A request to fetch the user's own profile."] [record IdU1CommandUserSelf] [documentation IdU1CommandEmailAddBegin "A request to add an email address."] [record IdU1CommandEmailAddBegin [documentation email "The email address."] [field email cb:String] ] [documentation IdU1CommandEmailRemoveBegin "A request to remove an email address."] [record IdU1CommandEmailRemoveBegin [documentation email "The email address."] [field email cb:String] ] [documentation IdU1CommandEmailAddPermit "A request to complete an email address challenge."] [record IdU1CommandEmailAddPermit [documentation token "The challenge token."] [field token cb:String] ] [documentation IdU1CommandEmailRemovePermit "A request to complete an email address challenge."] [record IdU1CommandEmailRemovePermit [documentation token "The challenge token."] [field token cb:String] ] [documentation IdU1CommandEmailAddDeny "A request to complete an email address challenge."] [record IdU1CommandEmailAddDeny [documentation token "The challenge token."] [field token cb:String] ] [documentation IdU1CommandEmailRemoveDeny "A request to complete an email address challenge."] [record IdU1CommandEmailRemoveDeny [documentation token "The challenge token."] [field token cb:String] ] [documentation IdU1CommandRealnameUpdate "A request to update the user's real name."] [record IdU1CommandRealnameUpdate [documentation name "The new name."] [field name cb:String] ] [documentation IdU1CommandPasswordUpdate "A request to update the user's password."] [record IdU1CommandPasswordUpdate [documentation password "The new password."] [field password cb:String] [documentation passwordConfirm "The password confirmation."] [field passwordConfirm cb:String] ] ; ; Responses. ; [documentation IdU1ResponseBlame "A blame assignment."] [variant IdU1ResponseBlame [documentation BlameClient "The client sent a bad response."] [case BlameClient] [documentation BlameServer "Something went wrong on the server."] [case BlameServer] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseError "An error response."] [record IdU1ResponseError [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation errorCode "The error code."] [field errorCode cb:String] [documentation message "The error message."] [field message cb:String] [documentation attributes "The error attributes."] [field attributes [cb:Map cb:String cb:String]] [documentation remediatingAction "The remediating action, if any."] [field remediatingAction [cb:Option cb:String]] [documentation blame "The blame assignment."] [field blame IdU1ResponseBlame] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseLogin "A response to IdU1CommandLogin."] [record IdU1ResponseLogin [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation user "The user."] [field user IdU1User] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseUserSelf "A response to IdU1CommandUserSelf."] [record IdU1ResponseUserSelf [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation user "The user."] [field user IdU1User] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseUserUpdate "A response to various update commands."] [record IdU1ResponseUserUpdate [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] [documentation user "The user."] [field user IdU1User] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseEmailAddBegin "A response to IdU1CommandEmailAddBegin."] [record IdU1ResponseEmailAddBegin [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseEmailRemoveBegin "A response to IdU1CommandEmailRemoveBegin."] [record IdU1ResponseEmailRemoveBegin [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseEmailAddPermit "A response to IdU1CommandEmailAddPermit."] [record IdU1ResponseEmailAddPermit [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseEmailRemovePermit "A response to IdU1CommandEmailRemovePermit."] [record IdU1ResponseEmailRemovePermit [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseEmailAddDeny "A response to IdU1CommandEmailAddDeny."] [record IdU1ResponseEmailAddDeny [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] [documentation IdU1ResponseEmailRemoveDeny "A response to IdU1CommandEmailRemoveDeny."] [record IdU1ResponseEmailRemoveDeny [documentation requestId "The ID of the request that yielded this response."] [field requestId cb:UUID] ] ; ; Protocol. ; [documentation IdU "The User protocol."] [protocol IdU [version 1 [types-added IdU1CommandEmailAddBegin IdU1CommandEmailAddDeny IdU1CommandEmailAddPermit IdU1CommandEmailRemoveBegin IdU1CommandEmailRemoveDeny IdU1CommandEmailRemovePermit IdU1CommandLogin IdU1CommandPasswordUpdate IdU1CommandRealnameUpdate IdU1CommandUserSelf IdU1ResponseEmailAddBegin IdU1ResponseEmailAddDeny IdU1ResponseEmailAddPermit IdU1ResponseEmailRemoveBegin IdU1ResponseEmailRemoveDeny IdU1ResponseEmailRemovePermit IdU1ResponseError IdU1ResponseLogin IdU1ResponseUserSelf IdU1ResponseUserUpdate ] ] ]
Attribute | Description | Defined Value |
event.domain | The OpenTelemetry event domain. | server | | The OpenTelemetry event name. | security.admin.login.succeeded |
idstore.admin | The ID of the administrator. |
Attribute | Description | Defined Value |
event.domain | The OpenTelemetry event domain. | server | | The OpenTelemetry event name. | security.admin.login.authentication_failed |
idstore.admin | The ID of the administrator. | |
idstore.remote_host | The remote host making the attempt. |
Attribute | Description | Value |
event.domain | The OpenTelemetry event domain. | server | | The OpenTelemetry event name. | security.admin.login.rate_limit_exceeded |
idstore.remote_host | The remote host making the login attempt. | |
idstore.username | The username associated with the login attempt. |
Attribute | Description | Defined Value |
event.domain | The OpenTelemetry event domain. | server | | The OpenTelemetry event name. | | | The email address. | |
idstore.user | The user ID associated with the operation. |
Attribute | Description | Defined Value |
event.domain | The OpenTelemetry event domain. | server | | The OpenTelemetry event name. | security.user.login.authentication_failed |
idstore.remote_host | The remote host making the attempt. | |
idstore.user | The username associated with the attempt. |
Attribute | Description | Defined Value |
event.domain | The OpenTelemetry event domain. | server | | The OpenTelemetry event name. | security.user.login.succeeded |
idstore.user | The ID of the user. |
Attribute | Description | Value |
event.domain | The OpenTelemetry event domain. | server | | The OpenTelemetry event name. | security.user.login.rate_limit_exceeded |
idstore.remote_host | The remote host making the login attempt. | |
idstore.username | The username associated with the login attempt. |
Attribute | Description | Value |
event.domain | The OpenTelemetry event domain. | server | | The OpenTelemetry event name. | security.user.login.rate_limit_exceeded |
idstore.remote_host | The remote host making the attempt. | | | The username or the email address associated with the attempt (depending on which was specified). |