AOJRepository |
AOJRepositoryProvider |
ASArchiveResolver |
A resolver for builds.
ASFile |
A file name and size.
ASFile.Builder |
Builds instances of type ASFile .
ASFileList |
File list parsing.
ASFilenameMetadata |
Information parsed from filenames.
ASFilenameMetadata.Builder |
ASFilenameMetadataParsing |
Functions to parse metadata from file names.
ASFilenameMetadataType |
Information parsed from filenames.
ASFileType |
A file name and size.
ASRepository |
A repository based on the raw AdoptOpenJDK data.
ASRepositoryProvider |
A repository provider.
CoffeePickArchiveEntries |
Functions for dealing with archive entries.
CoffeePickCatalog |
The default catalog implementation.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryAdded |
A repository was added to the registry.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryAdded.Builder |
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryAddedType |
A repository was added to the registry.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryRemoved |
A repository was removed from the registry.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryRemoved.Builder |
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryRemovedType |
A repository was removed from the registry.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryUpdate |
An update of the catalog failed.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryUpdate.Builder |
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryUpdateFailed |
An update of the catalog failed.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryUpdateFailed.Builder |
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryUpdateFailedType |
An update of the catalog failed.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRepositoryUpdateType |
An update of the catalog failed.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRuntimeDownloadFailed |
A download has failed.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRuntimeDownloadFailed.Builder |
CoffeePickCatalogEventRuntimeDownloadFailedType |
A download has failed.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRuntimeDownloadFinished |
A download has finished.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRuntimeDownloadFinished.Builder |
CoffeePickCatalogEventRuntimeDownloadFinishedType |
A download has finished.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRuntimeDownloading |
A download has started.
CoffeePickCatalogEventRuntimeDownloading.Builder |
CoffeePickCatalogEventRuntimeDownloadingType |
A download has started.
CoffeePickCatalogEventType |
The type of events published by the catalog.
CoffeePickCatalogType |
The interface exposed by the catalog.
CoffeePickClientProviderType |
A provider of CoffeePick clients.
CoffeePickClients |
The default client provider implementation.
CoffeePickClientType |
The CoffeePick client API.
CoffeePickEventType |
The type of events published by the API.
CoffeePickEventType.Severity |
The severity of the event.
CoffeePickInventory |
An inventory of downloaded runtimes.
CoffeePickInventoryEventRuntimeDeleted |
A runtime was deleted.
CoffeePickInventoryEventRuntimeDeleted.Builder |
CoffeePickInventoryEventRuntimeDeletedType |
A runtime was deleted.
CoffeePickInventoryEventRuntimeLoaded |
A runtime was loaded.
CoffeePickInventoryEventRuntimeLoaded.Builder |
CoffeePickInventoryEventRuntimeLoadedType |
A runtime was loaded.
CoffeePickInventoryEventRuntimeLoadFailed |
A runtime could not be loaded.
CoffeePickInventoryEventRuntimeLoadFailed.Builder |
CoffeePickInventoryEventRuntimeLoadFailedType |
A runtime could not be loaded.
CoffeePickInventoryEventType |
The type of events published by the inventory.
CoffeePickInventoryType |
The interface exposed by the inventory.
CoffeePickInventoryType.RuntimeCancellableArchiveWriterType |
A function for writing archive data.
CoffeePickInventoryType.UnpackOption |
Options for unpacking.
CoffeePickIsCancelledType |
A function that returns true if an operation should be cancelled.
CoffeePickParseRequest |
A request to parse something.
CoffeePickParseRequest.Builder |
CoffeePickParseRequestType |
A request to parse something.
CoffeePickParsers |
CoffeePickParsersOSGi |
CoffeePickParsersType |
Functions to create parsers.
CoffeePickParserType |
A parser.
CoffeePickRuntimeRepositoryContext |
The default runtime repository context implementation.
CoffeePickSearch |
Inventory search parameters.
CoffeePickSearch.Builder |
CoffeePickSearches |
Functions to implement searches over runtimes.
CoffeePickSearchType |
Inventory search parameters.
CoffeePickSerializers |
The default serializers implementation.
CoffeePickSerializersOSGi |
CoffeePickSerializersType |
A provider of serializers.
CoffeePickSerializerType |
A serializer.
CoffeePickStrings |
The default string provider.
CoffeePickTaskEventFailed |
A task has completed with an error.
CoffeePickTaskEventFailed.Builder |
CoffeePickTaskEventFailedType |
A task has completed with an error.
CoffeePickTaskEventStarted |
A task has started.
CoffeePickTaskEventStarted.Builder |
CoffeePickTaskEventStartedType |
A task has started.
CoffeePickTaskEventSucceeded |
A task has completed successfully.
CoffeePickTaskEventSucceeded.Builder |
CoffeePickTaskEventSucceededType |
A task has completed successfully.
CoffeePickTaskEventType |
The type of events related to the lifecycle of tasks.
CoffeePickVerification |
A value indicating whether or not the verification of an inventory item succeeded.
CoffeePickVerification.Builder |
CoffeePickVerificationType |
A value indicating whether or not the verification of an inventory item succeeded.
FormatDescription |
A runtimes of a supported format.
FormatDescription.Builder |
FormatDescriptionType |
A runtimes of a supported format.
FormatVersion |
A format version.
FormatVersion.Builder |
FormatVersionType |
A format version.
FormatXML1BrandingHandler |
A content handler that can parse branding values.
FormatXML1BuildHandler |
A content handler for parsing build information.
FormatXML1HashHandler |
A content handler that can parse hash values.
FormatXML1RepositoryHandler |
A content handler for parsing runtime repositories.
FormatXML1RuntimeChildBuild |
The build element.
FormatXML1RuntimeChildBuild.Builder |
FormatXML1RuntimeChildHash |
The hash element.
FormatXML1RuntimeChildHash.Builder |
FormatXML1RuntimeChildTags |
The tags element.
FormatXML1RuntimeChildTags.Builder |
FormatXML1RuntimeChildType |
The type of elements that can appear as children of runtimes.
FormatXML1RuntimeChildType.FormatXML1RuntimeChildBuildType |
The build element.
FormatXML1RuntimeChildType.FormatXML1RuntimeChildHashType |
The hash element.
FormatXML1RuntimeChildType.FormatXML1RuntimeChildTagsType |
The tags element.
FormatXML1RuntimeChildType.Kind |
The kind of children
FormatXML1RuntimeHandler |
A content handler for parsing runtimes.
FormatXML1RuntimesHandler |
A content handler for parsing sets of runtimes.
FormatXML1TagHandler |
A content handler for parsing tags.
FormatXML1TagsHandler |
A content handler for parsing sets of tags.
FormatXML1TopLevelHandler |
A content handler for parsing top-level values.
FormatXMLAbstractContentHandler<A,B> |
An abstract implementation of the content handler interface.
FormatXMLConstants |
XML constants.
FormatXMLContentHandlerType<A> |
A content handler that produces values of type A
FormatXMLElements |
Functions to transform values into XML elements.
FormatXMLMappingHandler<A,B> |
A content handler that simply applies a function to the results of another handler.
FormatXMLProbeHandler |
A proving content handler.
FormatXMLSPIParser |
An XML parser.
FormatXMLSPIParserProvider |
An XML format provider.
FormatXMLSPIProbe |
An XML probe.
FormatXMLSPISerializer |
An XML serializer.
FormatXMLSPISerializerProvider |
An XML format provider.
FormatXMLVersionedHandlerDispatcher |
An initial content handler responsible for dispatching requests to a version-specific handler.
OJNRepository |
A repository based on
OJNRepositoryProvider |
A repository provider.
ParsedRepository |
A parsed repository
ParsedRepository.Builder |
ParsedRuntime |
A parsed runtime
ParsedRuntime.Builder |
ParseError |
The type of parse errors.
ParseError.Builder |
ParseErrorType |
The type of parse errors.
ParseErrorType.Severity |
The error severity
ParserFailureException |
Parsing failed.
ParserResultType |
The type of parser results.
ParserResultType.Kind |
The kind of parsed value.
ParserResultType.ParsedRepositoryType |
A parsed repository
ParserResultType.ParsedRuntimeType |
A parsed runtime
RuntimeArchitectures |
Standard names for architectures.
RuntimeBuild |
Build information.
RuntimeBuild.Builder |
RuntimeBuildType |
Build information.
RuntimeConfiguration |
A JVM configuration.
RuntimeDescription |
A runtimes of a runtime.
RuntimeDescription.Builder |
RuntimeDescriptionDatabase |
A persistent database of runtime descriptions.
RuntimeDescriptions |
Functions to parse inventory items.
RuntimeDescriptionType |
A runtimes of a runtime.
RuntimeHash |
A hash value.
RuntimeHash.Builder |
RuntimeHashType |
A hash value.
RuntimePlatforms |
Standard names for platforms.
RuntimeRepositoriesOSGiProvider |
An OSGi-based repository registry.
RuntimeRepositoriesServiceLoaderProvider |
A ServiceLoader-based repository registry.
RuntimeRepositoryBranding |
Branding information for a repository.
RuntimeRepositoryBranding.Builder |
RuntimeRepositoryBrandingType |
Branding information for a repository.
RuntimeRepositoryContextType |
A context interface passed to repositories.
RuntimeRepositoryDescription |
A repository of runtimes.
RuntimeRepositoryDescription.Builder |
RuntimeRepositoryDescriptionType |
A repository of runtimes.
RuntimeRepositoryEventType |
A repository event.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateFailed |
A repository update has failed.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateFailed.Builder |
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateFailedType |
A repository update has failed.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateFinished |
A repository update has finished.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateFinished.Builder |
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateFinishedType |
A repository update has finished.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateRunning |
A repository update is running.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateRunning.Builder |
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateRunningType |
A repository update is running.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateStarted |
A repository update started.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateStarted.Builder |
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateStartedType |
A repository update started.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateType |
A repository update event.
RuntimeRepositoryEventUpdateType.Kind |
The kind of event.
RuntimeRepositoryProviderRegistryEvent |
The repository registry changed.
RuntimeRepositoryProviderRegistryEvent.Builder |
RuntimeRepositoryProviderRegistryEventType |
The repository registry changed.
RuntimeRepositoryProviderRegistryEventType.Change |
The type of change.
RuntimeRepositoryProviderRegistryType |
A registry of runtime repository providers.
RuntimeRepositoryProviderType |
The type of providers for runtime repositories.
RuntimeRepositoryType |
A repository of runtimes.
RuntimeVersion |
A (slightly reduced) version number for Java runtimes.
RuntimeVersion.Builder |
RuntimeVersionRange |
A range of runtime versions.
RuntimeVersionRange.Builder |
RuntimeVersionRangeType |
A range of runtime versions.
RuntimeVersions |
Functions over runtime versions.
RuntimeVersionType |
A (slightly reduced) version number for Java runtimes.
RuntimeVMs |
Standard names for VMs.
SPIParserProviderType |
The type of parser providers.
SPIParserRequest |
A parser request.
SPIParserRequest.Builder |
SPIParserRequestType |
A parser request.
SPIParserType |
A parser.
SPIProbeFailure |
Probing failed.
SPIProbeFailure.Builder |
SPIProbeResultType |
The result of probing.
SPIProbeResultType.Kind |
The kind of result.
SPIProbeResultType.SPIProbeFailureType |
Probing failed.
SPIProbeResultType.SPIProbeSuccessType |
Probing succeeded.
SPIProbeSuccess |
Probing succeeded.
SPIProbeSuccess.Builder |
SPISerializerProviderType |
The type of parser providers.
SPISerializerType |
A serializer.