All Classes and Interfaces
The main readable file implementation.
The main writable file implementation.
The main parser implementation.
A parser factory supporting major version 1.
An abstract readable section.
A readable end section.
A readable 2D image section.
A readable array image section.
A readable cube image section.
A readable image info section.
A readable metadata section.
A readable section.
A writable section.
A writable end section.
A writable 2D image section.
A writable array image section.
A writable cube image section.
A writable image info section.
A writable metadata section.
A writable section.
A factory of errors.
A provider of strings.
A validator.
A factory of version 1 validators.
The main writer implementation.
A writer factory supporting major version 1.
An abstract calino command.
An abstract command that reads a single file.
The endianness/byte order for the components of image data that are larger
than a single byte.
A description of a single image channel.
The available texture packing values.
A channel layout string converter.
The semantic of a channel within an image.
A custom channel layout description.
Functions over layout descriptions.
The set of standard channel layouts.
The type of channel layout descriptions.
A custom channel type.
The standard channel types.
A description of a channel type.
A custom color space.
The standard color spaces.
The type of color spaces such as linear, sRGB, etc.
The 'check' command.
The 'create-2d' command.
The 'create-array' command.
The 'create-cube' command.
The 'extract-image-data-2d' command.
The 'extract-image-data-2d' command.
The 'extract-image-data-cube' command.
The 'show-image-info' command.
The 'show-metadata' command.
The 'show-sections' command.
The 'show-summary' command.
The 'show-version' command.
The 'version' command.
ASTC texture compression.
A custom compression method.
The standard compression methods.
A compression method.
The type of compressor factories.
A request to compress data.
A factory of compressors.
The type of compressor factories.
A request to compress data.
The type of compressors.
The type of compressors.
The texture coordinate R axis.
The texture coordinate S axis.
The texture coordinate T axis.
The coordinate system axis orientations.
The names of each of the faces of an axis-aligned cube.
The type of decompressor factories.
A request to decompress data.
A factory of decompressors.
The type of decompressor factories.
A request to decompress data.
The type of decompressors.
The type of decompressors.
The type of objects that have descriptors.
A readable file.
A description of a section within a file.
A writable file.
The identifiers for standard sections.
A description of a single 2D image.
The declaration of a single mipmap.
A set of mipmap declarations.
Normalized access to a buffered image.
A description of a single array image.
The declaration of a single mipmap.
A set of mipmap declarations.
A description of a single cube face image.
The declaration of a single cube face.
A description of a cube map face.
The declaration of a single cube mipmap.
A set of cube mipmap declarations.
A 16-bit decoder.
A 32-bit decoder.
A 64-bit decoder.
An 8-bit decoder.
An ARGB1555 decoder.
An RGBA4444 decoder.
An RGB565 decoder.
An image decoder.
The type of image descriptions.
A custom image flag.
The standard image flags.
The type of image flags.
Information about an image.
An image layout conversion request.
A chain of generated mipmaps.
The mipmap filter function.
The default image processor.
A factory of image processors.
The type of image processor requests.
An AWT-based image processor.
The type of image processors.
An unsigned 1555 view.
An unsigned fixed-point 16-bit view.
An unsigned fixed-point 32-bit view.
An unsigned 4444 view.
An unsigned 565 view.
An unsigned fixed-point 64-bit view.
An unsigned fixed-point 8-bit view.
A view of a mipmap within an image.
A factory of image views.
The default factory of image views.
An I/O operation.
The main command-line entry point.
An operation executed when something is closed.
An output format specification.
A parse request.
A mutable parser request builder.
A factory of parsers.
The main parser factory.
A parser.
A factory of version probes.
The default version probe factory.
A version probe.
A description of a section.
A readable end section.
A readable 2D image section.
A readable array image section.
A readable cube image section.
A readable image info section.
The type of readable metadata sections.
The type of "standard" readable sections.
A readable section.
A writable end section.
A writable 2D image section.
A writable array image section.
A writable cube image section.
A writable image info section.
A writable metadata section.
The type of "standard" writable sections.
A writable section.
A provider of strings.
Support for LZ4 supercompression.
A super compression method string converter.
A custom supercompression method.
The standard supercompression methods.
A supercompression method.
An error produced during validation.
A request to perform validation.
The status of a validation error.
A factory of validators.
The main validator factory.
A validator.
A version number.
A version string converter.
A write request.
The type of writer factories.
The main writer factory.
A file writer.
The writable mipmaps for a 2D image.
The writable mipmaps for an array image.
The writable mipmaps for a cube image.